Friday, August 10, 2012

Creed (rough draft)

While at Bishops house last night I just had some thoughts that are turning into this rough draft creed:

I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.  I will seek to love my fellow men and be of good cheer.  

I want to steal pretty much all these song lyrics and incorporate them somehow: 

So when my life's a leap of faith
I can hear You say well done

I'm gonna run this race
To hear You say well done

If people walk with me, talk with me, looking for truth
They're gonna find out soon
If they're following me then
They're gonna follow You

I will trust in the atonement of Jesus Christ through the sunshine and the storms.

I will seek to listen to problems without attempting to solve them.

Come what may and LOVE it!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I have always had an aversion to roller coasters.  I have lots of reasons and beliefs for why this fear may have come into existence.  It is not that I dislike roller coasters, I just dont like the anticipation of whats about to happen.  I dont like the feeling of falling and not having any control over where I am in time and space.  Life is the greatest roller coaster ride.  I have often pondered how I ended up on this ride and how willing and excited I was to go through all the experiences that come with life.  I am sure that at first it felt like a roller coaster line, complete with all the hesitation and panic.  Once the ride is over, I usually am jumping back in line to try it again.  The highest highs and the lowest lows are all worth experiencing.  The best part is learning to be excited for the hills and valleys to come and embracing whatever happens with a desire to keep moving and becoming better.