Thursday, April 26, 2012

There is something pristine about the generation that is quietly disappearing.  As a youth, I was an avid sports fan.  I have not changed much since then.  Coach Wooden was a name I knew.  I had heard the legend of his UCLA teams that were unbeatable.  Now and again, I would hear a little talk about his "pyramid of success".  I did not realize, that he loved English.  Coach Wooden was a perfectionist and a master at everything he did.  Coach Wooden is probably one of the most quoted figures in sports history, but up until recently I did not know a single maxim attributed to him.  I like Coach Wooden, because he represents a generation I envy.  My grandparents generation was fraught with war and depression, but out of that time grew great God-fearing men.  There is a 90 or so year old man that walked into my dad's accounting office this year.  Whenever he comes in he greets everyone in sight.  Mr Reed always smiles and laughs and makes sure to compliment everyone he sees.  What I envy most about their generation is that they memorized poems and dances.  They were gentleman in every sense of the word.  Its a quality we dont see as much today, and some people dont like it when they see it.  Jeremy Lin and Tim Tebow are winners in the Coach Wooden sense.  I hope we see a change in sports and the world in general where people turn back time.

"If you're not making mistakes, then you're not doing anything. I'm positive that a doer makes mistakes." - Coach Wooden

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