Monday, April 23, 2012

This blog is born on my sisters birthday.  The blog was supposed to be born yesterday since I joked about it during a Sunday School lesson.  I am rather stunned that there isnt a bigger Switchfoot fan with this blog name.  Ive thought about starting this blog multiple times, but blogs were to feminine.  Awhile ago, I watched that awesome movie with Amy Adams, really I just think shes adorable, where she cooks everything in that french cookbook and then blogs it up.  I feel like this is an episode of Psych and Im missing the super obvious name of the movie reference.  Anyways, that should have convinced me more that blogs werent cool.  Now I have this space, and Im almost through with this miserable difficult first post.  Ill have to decide if my random song thoughts of the day, jokes of the day, sports thoughts of the day, or stream of consciousness of the day end up here.  For now we will just go with my faith in the younger generations music choices has been partially restored.  My younger brother plays on a baseball team and the favorite bands of the kids were:  Guns N Roses, Queen, and Metallica.  Hopefully, those kids will tell there friends about real music and get all this autotuned, computerized mess off the radio.

1 comment:

  1. i really adore you.....

    the movie is called "julie & julia,"

    and I soooooo agree that instruments need to be played again ..... not recorded and dubbed and so on and so forth....

    cant believe i allowed myselfto say dubbed :)
