Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Friends cheat?

There are many quotes that have somehow been attributed to me over time.  I dont deny that I said any of them although I dont remember the majority of them.  The few people that know me best know I love making a joke out of anything and everything and rarely take anything seriously.  Frankly, Im not sure I know how to take anything seriously.   There is just something wild, free, fun, flirtatious about being able to sit back and joke about anything and everything that comes your way.  It has a Bogartesque/Bondesque feel to it.  Let the world fly crazy round while you laugh at whatever comes your way.  Really though in my rare thoughtful times every once in awhile I get back quotes like "Friends cheat, thats why they are friends".  Really, I said that?  That is completely non sensical mumbo jumbo.  Although in someways I see why it might have made sense.  Friends cheat sadness, sorrow, and other Satanic wiles.  Friends give you the lift and wings to just keep on keepin on....that warm smile and an arm around you lets you know that they are behind you, beside you and in a second you are ready to keep fighting by each others side.  The most fun and most fulfilling things in life are being surrounded by great friends.

1 comment:

  1. so glad I finally read this. Love it! ps yes..."friends cheat." I've remembered this wise advice for years ad used you better believe it. Cause I did cause I thought you did. hahaha ;)
